


Turning Torso by
Santiago Calatrava
Lars Tufvesson.
Ugly? Comment!
Torso news
Turning Torso pictures.
- Construction/digging started
officially February 14, 2001.
- The construction of the concrete
foundation started March 2002.
- The concrete foundation was
ready in August 2002. After that, Turning Torso
started to raise above the ground.
- The height is 190 meters.
This can be compared with:
- Kaknästornet, Stockholm,
Sweden: 155 meters.
- Kronprinsen, Malmö,
Sweden: 86 meters.
- Globen, Stockholm, Sweden:
85 meters.
- Five elevators:
- Three for those living
in the building.
- Two for those working
in the building.
- Maximum deviation at the
top for the most severe expected storm: 0,3 meters.
It will not be possible to feel the movement.
- 25 000 cubic meters of concrete.
- Every second window can be
opened ten centimeters. There are safety blocks.
- Window cleaning is included
in the monthly fee. There will be a special crane
on the roof for the purpose.
- Fire protection: Every room
is sprinkled. The water supply for the sprinklers
is doubled, and has its own emergency electricity
supply. One of the elevators also has emergency
electricity supply, for use by the safety personnel
during an evacuation.
- There are 54 floors.
The tower turns 90 degrees.
- Architect: Santiago Calatrava.
- The building is modeled after
a human torso in a turning motion.
- Is built by HSB Malmö.
HSB started thinking about Turning Torso
in May 1999.
- The total cost is calculated
to be around 1600 million SEK. Previously, they
were talking about 1100 to 1200 million SEK. In
the beginning, they were talking about 950 million
- October 2004 (Was August
2004): The concrete framework will be ready.
- Late Summer 2005 (was Spring
2005): Turning Torso will be ready for its
- The reinforcing iron bars
are made ready on the ground in a building nearby,
to minimize crane use.
- At the top of the building,
there is a climbing form used for moulding the core,
stair well and elevator shaft.
- Turning Torso will mainly
have rental apartments. The largest apartment will
be 230 square meters. The smallest apartment will
be 45 square meters.
- Twelve floors (4 200 square
meters.) for commercial use at the bottom. (Offices).
All other floors will be used for the 152 apartments.
- It is not decided yet if
the entrance will be manned 24 hours a day. The
garage is supervised by a camera.
- In the original plan, the
city wanted a 25-floor student house on the spot.
The city wanted a high building there to not let
the huge building nearby (Malmömässan)
dominate the whole area when seen from far away.
Turning Torso news
For Turning Torso news, check
out the Turning Torso
news page.
For a variety of pictures, check
out the Turning
Torso photo album. The best Turning Torso pictures
can be found on the Turning
Torso top ten pictures page.
Other Turning Torso Sites
- Something missing?
- Enhancement suggestions?
- Questions?
Contact lars@bizzbook.com! |


Time table:
Jan-Feb 2004: The first piece
of the facade arrives from Barcelona.
October 2004: The concrete
frame will be ready
December 2004: The steel framework
around Turning Torso will be ready.
November 2005: Construction
ready. Time to move in.
Height history
Final height: 190 meters
Turning Torso right
- 54 floors (100%)
- 190 meters
September 1, 2004:
- 51 floors (94%)
- 169 meters
August 1, 2004:
- 49 floors (91%)
- 162 meters.
July 1, 2004:
- 46 floors (85%)
- 153 meters.
June 1, 2004:
- 44 floors (81%)
- 145 meters.
May 1, 2004:
- 40 floors (74%)
- 133 meters
April 1, 2004:
- 38 floors (70%)
- 126 meters.
March 1, 2004:
- 36 floors (67%)
- 119 meters.
February 1, 2004:
January 1, 2004:
December 1, 2003:
November 1, 2003:
October 1, 2003:
September 1, 2003:
August 1, 2003:
May 1, 2003: