Västra Hamnen i Malmö





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In short




Turning Torso:

April 2005

March 2005



Turning Torso Pictures & News

Turning Torso at night
Picture special: Turning Torso - a bright dream floating in the air


Sista jättekranen går ner för landning

July 10, 2005: The remaining giant crane is coming down for landing. The crane was 212 meters high. Each section is six meters high. The deconstruction takes 7-8 days, if the wind is not blowing too much.
Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!

Turning Torso à la Chicago

From local newspaper Metro July 28, 2005

The architect behind Turning Torso is Santiago Calatrava. Now, he has done a similar skyscraper for Chicago, called Fordham Spire:

  • 610 meters high (Turning Torso is 190 meters high)
  • 115 floors (Turning Torso has 54 floors)
  • 270 degrees of twisting (Turning Torso has 90 degrees of twisting)

Fordham Spire will be ready in 2009, if everything goes as planned.

Turning Torso opens with spectacular exhibition

From www.turningtorso.com July 10, 2005

As a part of the opening of Turning Torso, HSB Malmö will arrange an exhibition about the construction of Turning Torso. The exhibition is open between August 24 and August 31, at Magasin Västra Hamnen (the Turning Torso garage) immediately north of Turning Torso. The exhibition is free and open for everyone. At the exhibition, you will find:

  • pictures
  • 3D models
  • slide shows
  • films
  • works of art

At the exhibition, you will be able to:

  • Find out how the house grew out of sketches and watercolours.
  • Look at the sculpture by Santiago Calatrava that inspired to the construction of Turning Torso.
  • Experience a virtual elevator ride, similar to the 38-second-ride to the top of Turning Torso (floor 54).

Exhibition opening times

  • Wednesday 24 August     11am–5pm
  • Thursday 25 August      11am–8pm
  • Friday 26 August        11am–8pm
  • Saturday 27 August      9am–3pm
  • Sunday 28 August        9am–5pm
  • Monday 29 August        11am–8pm
  • Tuesday 30 August       11am–8pm
  • Wednesday 31 August     11am–8pm

Turning Torso vs. Led Zeppelin "The Object"

From a mail July 2, 2005

Led Zeppelin made in 1975 an album called "Presence". The cover shows an object that looks somewhat like Turning Torso. The object is called "The Object", and it was made in 1000 copies to promote the album. This object sometimes turns up at collector auctions.

If you want to see how the Turning Torso-like object from 1975 looks like, check out:.

What do you think? Is Turning Torso a copy of "The Object"? Send a mail to lars@bizzbook.com !

Midsommarnatt vid Sundspromenaden
June 25, 2005: In the middle of the night & in the middle of the Summer.
Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!

Turning Torso: What a highrise!

From Swedish magazine Residence number 4, 2005


The main article in the Residence magazine number 4 2005 is about Turning Torso. The magazine concludes that Malmö has turned: Now, everyone loves the scandal tower!

"The house can also be seen as a raised finger, saying that it is we in Malmö, and not the capital city of Stockholm, that has built Sweden's first and only real skyscraper. It is we..." "...that are mentioned together with New York and Tokyo. While the capital only sits and waits for the Slussen to sink down in the water."

The magazine also tells us that:

  • Johnny Örbäck, the main force that started the construction of Turning Torso, will live at floor 36 i Turning Torso.
  • Local celebrity Percy Nilsson will live in one of the largest compartments in Turning Torso, at floor 42.

"Turning Torso is a part of the picture where Malmö is seen as a town where something happens, i.e. in this town, everything has not, as in a lot of other places, already happened.

According to the magazine, furniture that can be turned according to the shape of the room fits best in Turning Torso apartments.

The magazine also tell us about "a reversal of the mental values": The view from Turning Torso towards the sea and the Öresund bridge is fantastic, but Pia Sandin (marketing manager for Turning Torso) has according to the magazine discovered that she has begun to turn her eyes more and more towards the town of Malmö, to rediscover it again.

Torso Meeting:
One of Europe's most exclusive conference facilities

From www.sscskelleftea.se June 27, 2005

Torso Meeting, the conference facility at the top of Turning Torso, will be one of Europe's most exclusive conference facilities, according to Ingvar Nohlin, project manager for the construction of Turning Torso. He continues: Torso Meeting will probably mostly be used for:

  • product launches
  • board meetings
  • press conferences

The interiors of Torso Meeting will be created, delivered and put in place by the SSC company from Skellefteå in the north of Sweden. The same company will also build and put in place the interiors of the entrance to Turning Torso. On top of that, the company also delivers all interior doors (2,5 meters high) in the rental apartments in Turning Torso.

  • One of the conference floors will have its interior made in "lönn".
  • One of the conference florrs will have its interior made in "päronträ".

The two conference floors will be ready in February 2006.

Nattarbete utanpå Turning Torso
June 13, 2005: Work at night outside Turning Torso, to dismantle the outside elevator. Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!

Pictures from the top:
Inside and out

From a trip to the top of Turning Torso June 12, 2005

The opening ceremony for Turning Torso will be held August 27. It is not many days left. Timet to celebrate with a couple of pictures from the top!

How does the world look like, from the top of Turning Torso?

How does it look like at the top of Turning Torso today?

Floor 53+54 = Torso Meeting

From Sydnytt June 17, 2005


The two top floors in Turning Torso, floor 53 and 54, will have conference facilities driven by HSB Malmö under the name of Torso Meeting. The conference floors will be ready in February 2006.

From the beginning, the plan was to have five apartments on the two top floors. HSB Malmö thinks that a conference facility will make considerable more money.

120 people are allowed on the two top floors. The total area for the two top floors is 430 square meters.

Lill Lindfors in and about Turning Torso

From Kvällsposten June 17, 2005

The husband of the famous Swedish singer Lill Lindfors is named Anders Byström. He has signed a contract for an apartment in Turning Torso. Lill Lindfors will not live here all the time, but she will visit often.

Lill Lindfors says the following about Turning Torso: "A in its kind fantastic building. I think the whole Bo01 area has come to live due to Turning Torso. Turning Torso is a nice decoration for Malmö.

London, Berlin or Turning Torso? Turning Torso!

From Sydsvenskan and the city of Malmö June 14, 2005

An American university has decided to place its European organization in Malmö. The choice was between London, Berlin or Turning Torso. They chose Turning Torso, and will move in at the two top office floors, i.e. floor 11 and 12.

The giant crane is coming down, top light tested

From Sydsvenskan June 27, 2005

Next week the plan is to bring down the last remaining giant crane that has helped in the construction of Turning Torso. According to Luftfartsverket, the aviation authority here in Sweden, Turning Torso must then have warning lights.

The bright light on the top of Turning Torso has been tested. The intense light resulted in many complaints from people living in Malmö that could not sleep. All of Malmö will be able to see the light (maybe with the exception of those living nearby). HSB Malmö will next week try to beam the light 18 degrees upwards to minimize the disturbance.

In addition to the bright light on the top of Turning Torso, there will be at least two more lights, with low intensity:

  • A red light between 75 and 100 meters above the ground.
  • A red light between 100 and 150 meters above the ground.

Turning Torso speglar sig i Lilla Kockumskanalen
June 13, 2005, in the middle of the night: Turning Torso and its mirror in Lilla Kockumskanalen. Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!

More of Turning Torso at the Miva Gallery

From a mail June 11, 2005

June 18 is the first day at the Miva gallery her in Västra Hamnen that Ulf Hedetoft will show his paintings and sculptures under the name Smoke & Turning Torso. The exhibition will continue until July 2.

Read more: www.gallerimiva.com .

Örbäck gets medal of honor from Malmö for Turning Torso

From Sydsvenskan June 10, 2005

The former CEO of HSB Malmö will this year get a medal of honor from the city of Malmö for starting the construction of Turning Torso. The city of Malmö sees the initialization of the Turning Torso project as a honorable work for the city and its inhabitants. The medal of honor will be delivered from the town hall on June 13, the same day as HSB Malmö has its yearly meeting. This year, three other persons will also get a medal of honor from the city of Malmö.

Kallbadhus framför Turning Torso
June 9, 2005: Old and new: Kallbadhuset and Turning Torso.
Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!


Bo01-hamnen i kvällsljus
May 12, 2005: The Bo01 harbour in evening light.
Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!


May 12, 2005: A nice evening in Västra Hamnen.
Photo: Lars Tufvesson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!

Turning Torso: 347 inhabitants

From Arkitekten Maj 2005

347 people will live in Turning Torso.

  • An exhibition about the construction of Turning Torso will open August 24.
  • The Turning Torso opening ceremony will be held August 27.
  • The architect of Turning Torso, Santiago Calatrava, will be at the opening ceremony to inspect his "landmark for humanity".
  • A variant of Turning Torso is currently being built on Manhattan, with twelve cubes. Just like Turning Torso, this building is based on the 20 year old sculpture called "Twisting Torso".
  • A picture of Turning Torso represented the global architectural achievings of Santiago Calatrava in a large interview in the Sunday edition of the New York Times recently.

The article in Arkitekten is finished like this:

"The day in December when the 47:th floor was ready will be inscribed in the history of HSB Malmö as the day when the Torso became higher than Kronprinsen"

(Kronprinsen was the tallest residential building in Malmö before Turning Torso.)

The problem with this finish is that it is wrong. Probably, they mean the 27:th instead of the 47:th floor, because:

  • December 1, 2004, Turning Torso was 28 floors high (93 meters).
  • Kronprinsen is 28 floors high (83 meters)

Turning Torso:
Crowded at the top: June 13

From an invitation to a meeting May 27, 2005

HSB Malmö will have a large meeting for its own people in Malmömässan June 13. Before the meeting, everyone invited is given the possibility to visit the top of Turning Torso.

May 18, 2005: The inner harbour of Malmö, as seen from floor 54 of Turning Torso:

  • Closest: The blue headquarters of Kockums, called Gängtappen.
  • In the middle: The new Telia building.
  • Along the quay: The boat to Copenhagen called Turasund, and the new University bridge.

Photo:: B-O Andersson. Nice? Ugly? Comment!

Weekend of the year:
Last weekend of August

From the city May 17, 2005

The last weekend of August seems to be the weekend of the year in Malmö:

  • The annual Malmöfestivalen finishes the last weekend of August.
  • The America's Cup sailing boats will start their competition the last weekend of August.
  • HSB Malmö will celebrate that Turning Torso is ready with a big party for thousands of people (by invitation only) the last weekend of August.

Turning Torso has become art

From the Miva gallery May 12, 2005

At the Miva gallery on Sundspromenaden here in Västra Hamnen, you can look at Turning Torso in different bright colors. It is the artist Ulf Hedetoft that brings color to Turning Torso in his work of art. Ulf has created a series of pictures of Turning Torso, which according to the gallery is of world class. You can find Ulf Hedetoft's work of art at www.gallerimiva.com .

May 9, 2005: Yet another piece of the Turning Torso garage puzzle falls into place.

2005-05-06: Turning Torsos steel framework.
Photo: Lars Tufvesson.


Turning Torso from a distance
May 3, 2005: Heaven, sea and Turning Torso. Photo: Lars Tufvesson.

HSB Malmö makes more renting out than selling Turning Torso

From Swedish national radio April 20, 2005

HSB Malmö did not succeed in selling apartments in Turning Torso. After conversion to rental apartments things went smoother. To rent an apartment is not seen as such a big investment/risk as buying an apartment.

The total cost for renting an apartment is larger than if you were allowed to buy the same apartment, even when the interest rate for buying is included:

  • One room and a kitchen (46 square meters) costs 2800 SEK more per month when renting.
  • Two rooms and a kitchen (64 square meters) costs 1300 SEK more per month when renting.
  • It is only the largest apartments that costs the same to rent as it would cost to buy.

Lars comment: The report says that HSB Malmö is the big winner, because the house has increased in value from 900 MSEK (when they tried to sell the apartments) to 1150 MSEK today. I would like to add that who the winner is depends on the time perspective. Considering the calculated cost of building Turning Torso (1600 MSEK) HSB Malmö is the biggest loser, also when HSB Malmö is compared with people renting apartments in Turning Torso.

Moving in takes 75 days

People will start populating Turning Torso the first of November 2005. All residents will be given a slot when they are allowed to move in. It will take around 75 days until everyone is in place inside Turning Torso.

If you are going to build high, do it well

From norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidene May 6, 2005

In Bergen in Norway they discuss if they are going to build skyscrapers in the city. This is what they say about Turning Torso:

Some areas may allow high buildings, but then the quality has to be high. We must demand a quality that literally raises the area and adds architectural plus points.

The gigantic Turning Torso in Malmö is a good example on just that. The building will be ready next fall, and it has already earned Malmö an architectural reputation almost in the same class as Sydney.

The morale in this is that if you are going to build high, then you also have to build unusually well. If not, it is just a waste of money, as long as there are other alternatives. And there usually are other alternatives.

All office space soon gone

Från www.turningtorso.com 2005-05-03

Greg Dingizian, CEO of HSB Malmö, thinks that the office space in Turning Torso (the two bottom cubes) will be rented out within a couple of weeks.

  • HSB Malmö is going to move in in the lower cube.
  • Håkan Skiölds Fastighetsförmedling is also going to move in.
  • Danske Bank is going to move in on floor 11 and half of floor 10.
  • The advertizing company Dialogue Communication AB will fill half of floor 12.

Local evening paper Kvällsposten announced April 15 that all 147 apartments in Turning Torso has been rented out.

There is no typical Turning Torso inhabitant

From local newspaper Metro May 3, 2005

The variety is great among the people that will move into Turning Torso in November this year. The following occupations are represented among the Turning Torso inhabitants:

  • Lawyer
  • Job agent
  • Bus driver
  • Businessman
  • Flight tower personnel
  • Salesman
  • Engineer
  • Train driver
  • Doctor
  • Teacher
  • Marketing manager
  • Retired
  • Project leader
  • Accountant
  • Student
  • Dentist
  • CEO

Some families with children will move in, but mostly, its couples without children and single men.

The oldest person that will move in is a 90-year-old man. The youngest person that has written a rental contract is a 19-year-old woman.

  • It is the view that attracts most people.
  • 80% of the people that will move in are from the Malmö region.
  • Those moving in that are not from Malmö are among other places from:
    • Värnamo
    • Waterloo
    • New York
    • London

Percy Nilsson will move into Turning Torso

From local newspaper Sydsvenskan April 23, 2005 and national evening paper Expressen April 28, 2005

Local celebrity Percy Nilsson will rent an apartment on floor 42 in Turning Torso. He has not yet decided if he will live there permanently.

Percy Nilsson participated in a television debate about Turning Torso last tuesday. In the show, there was also a previous homeless, that thought that Turning Torso was similar to a jail:

  • There is a gatekeeper in the entrance.
  • The windows cannot be opened more than 0,1 meters.

Percy Nilsson was sentenced to one year in prison a few days ago, for not paying all the taxes.

Danske Bank moves into Turning Torso

From local newspaper Sydsvenskan around May 2, 2005

The danish bank Danske Bank will establish a finance center in Turning Torso called Finanscenter Region Syd. This is the fourth swedish finance center that Danske Bank establishes. The new finance center will serve twelve offices in the following banks:

  • Skånes Provinsbank
  • Hallands Provinsbank
  • Smålandsbanken

There will be 25 specialists working in the finance center's 600 square meters on floor 10 and 11 in Turning Torso. They plan to move in the first of november.

  • The official rent (without heating) for office space in Turning Torso is 2400 SEK per square meter and year.
  • For apartments in Turning Toros, the average rent is 1850 SEK per square meter and year.

Turning Torso rated

From local newspaper Sydsvenskan April 27, 2005

The Sydsvenskan test team have looked at the apartments in Turning Torso:

  • The interior gets four out of five stars. A weak floor plan lowers the rating somewhat.
  • Counting the placement of the building, the light and the view, the total rating is 4,5 out of 5 stars.

The test team said the following, among other things:

  • Already on floor 14, the view is delightful.
  • The tilted windows gives a feeling of a ferry.
  • The elevators might turn into a bottleneck: Three elevators will serve 147 apartments and two floors of conference rooms.
  • There is no balcony: If the view is a plus, then it is a minus that you are locked into an air-conditioned space.
  • I would have liked more elegance in the windows, since the Torso is a building for the view above all.

What it's like to live in Turning Torso

From local evening paper Kvällsposten April 15, 2005

HSB Malmö has decorated five different apartments in Turning Torso. Kvällsposten has tried one out, for a night:

  • You will sleep well
  • You will feel the height, but only when you look out the window in the morning.
  • You will feel border-less looking out the kitchen window in the morning:
    • Copenhagen rising on one side.
    • The Ribersborg beach on the other side.

It is huge.

All apartments booked

From local evening paper Kvällsposten April 15, 2005

HSB Malmö has now rented out all apartments in Turning Torso. It is still possible to queue for an apartment in Turning Torso, because those residents that move in will eventually move out again.


Turning Torso through the window

April 11, 2005: A couple of apartments in Turning Torso are now ready for use by reporters etc. Here is one of those apartments, on floor 14. Photo: Lars Tufvesson.


Turning Torso by night
April 8, 2005: Turning Torso by night. The first residents have just moved into the Södertorpsgården apartments in the foreground. Photo: Lars Tufvesson.

Turning Torso: Conference at the top

From local newspaper Sydsvenskan April 6, 2005

HSB Malmö will have much to do also after Turning Torso is finished:

  • The are going to maintain the Turning Torso building.
  • They are going to serve the residents of Turning Torso.
  • They are going to operate a conference center at the two top floors of Turning Torso.
  • They are going to operation an exhibition hall in Magasin Västra Hamnen, the garage built close to Turning Torso.

Turning Torso: Might be cheaper than 1600 MSEK

From local newspaper Sydsvenskan April 6, 2005

The CEO of HSB Malmö Greg Dingizian thinks that the total cost of building Turning Torso might end up lower than earlier estimated 1600 MSEK. Greg is now thinking on how to keep the cost for operating Turning Torso down at a reasonable level.

Top rating for Turning Torso

From www.nfo.nu April 4, 2005

The advertizing magazine Resumé gives Malmö's new landmark Turning Torso a top rating. Editor in chief Viggo Cavling writes under the title "Turning Torso is an absolutely fantastic building":

Malmö has got a house that is absolutely unbelievably fantastic to look at. With a white pin that ties a knot on itself, Malmö has got a building that will be northern Europe's most famous building. Final rating for Turning Torso: Frighteningly good.


Turning Torso from a distance
April 3, 2005: They are repairing the bridge at the Ribersborg sand beach, close to Västra Hamnen and Turning Torso. Photo: Lars Tufvesson.


Turning Torso reflections
April 2, 2005: Turning Torso is reflected in the water of the canal at Ribersborg. Photo: Lars Tufvesson.


Ribersborg April 3, 2005:
The birds prepare for the summer season.
(Yes, it is Turning Torso reflected in the water.)
Photo: Lars Tufvesson


Turning Torso reflecting itself in the sea
April 1, 2005: Reflections from Turning Torso. Photo: Lars Tufvesson

New award to Turning Torso news graphics

From local newspaper Sydsvenskan around April 1, 2005

Sydsvenskan's Turning Torso news graphics with instructions for building a Turning Torso model in paper has got another award. The collection of awards for the news graphics now looks like this:

  • An award from the Society for news design/Scandinavia in their annual newspaper design competition. (The award will be delivered 12th of May this year.
  • A gold award from Malofiej Infographics Award.
  • An award of excellence in the international version of Society for news design.

You will find the awarded Turning Torso news graphics here (in swedish, but you can look at the graphics anyway): Bygg din egen Torsomodell!


Turning Torso pictures - March 2005

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